Вода Magazine - Information



The journal WATER-Magazine is intended for the wide range of specialists from decision-makers to on-site engineers engaged in water supply and sewage treatment, as well as in manufacture of the relevant equipment and facilities. It’s a full-colour (64-80 pages) monthly A4 format edition with circulation of 7500 copies. ISSN 2220-3532

The journal offers the most comprehensive information on:

  • innovative foreign and regional technologies
  • R&D and engineering
  • novel equipment and machinery
  • experience in implementation of cutting edge procedures and techniques
  • advanced managerial methods and practical application
  • solution of crucial problems
  • realization of the most efficient technical and commercial projects
  • interviews of heads of the corresponding ministries and authorities

WATER-Magazine is distributed in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Byelorussia, Moldova and Latvia through personal direct delivery by post and editorial subscription, and at specialized exhibitions. Among the subscribers are the leaders of State Duma and Council and of Federation Committees, various ministries and departments, local water supply and sewerage companies, prominent industrial, energy-generating and transportation companies and equipment manufacturers.  

This issue of WATER Magazine will be presented at our stand as well as at the stands of the most prominent Russian Vodokanals (water supply and sewerage companies. If this information might anyhow interest you, we would be pleased to discuss any opportunity or terms for advertising the equipment produced by your company in June issue of WATER Magazine.

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